A two-part reading series featuring six Toronto mystery authors!
Join us for two nights of whodunit s set in Toronto! Discover
Whose mystery involves a twenty-year old corpse? Whose detective novel mentions Enoch Turner Schoolhouse? Whose sleuth lives at Bathurst and College? Whose suspect lives in a beautiful home in Rosedale? Which author took a wild ride through Kensington? Which author’s mysteries hit just the right note?
Part One: Wednesday April 7, 2010
Refreshments 6:30 pm Readings and Q & A 7 pm .
Featured authors: Rick Blechta, Jill Edmondson, Caro Soles
Part Two: Wednesday April 21, 2010
Refreshments 6:30 pm Readings and Q & A 7 pm
Featured authors: Mel Bradshaw, Liz Brady, Vivian Meyer
Location: 106 Trinity Street, Toronto (King and Parliament)
Tickets: $15 and $12 (Members) or $28/$22 for both evenings
Reservations: 416-863-0010 or linda.mclean[at]heritagetrust.on.ca